Terms of Use

1. Acceptance of Terms
Highdome is a registered trademark of Moongy S.A., headquartered at Rua Sousa Martins, nº10, Lisbon, registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon, under registration and legal person number 507 431 073, with share capital of €300,000.00 and registered address at Rua Sousa Martins, nº 10 1050-217 Lisbon.The user undertakes to comply with and enforce these terms, intending to moderate the ethical and compliant use of the platform. You acknowledge that these terms are a contract between you and Highdome, even if it is electronic and not physically signed by you and Highdome, governing your use of the Highdome Services.

2. Invalidity of a certain provision
If any court determines that any provision of these terms is unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, it shall be deemed severable from these Terms and Conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

3. Access to Highdome Services
Highdome is available to Trainees at: https://www.highdome.io/During the duration of the Service, Highdome grants the User an exclusive and non-transferable license to use (run, insert, modify, read, validate, export and update) the Highdome platform, under the terms established. Upon suspension or termination of this Agreement, this license is immediately revoked, and Customer agrees to cease using the Highdome platform.

4. Eligibility
You must be at least 16 years of age to use the Service. By agreeing to these Terms, you represent and warrant that:
a. you have at least 16 years old;b. have not previously been suspended or removed from the Service;c. your registration for and use of the Service complies with any and all applicable laws and regulations;
If the primary user is an entity, organization, or enterprise, the primary user and/or organization accepting these terms on behalf of the end user (your name):a. represents and warrants that it has the authority to bind by these Terms;b. that you agree to be bound by these Terms;If we detect that the eligibility requirements are not met, we will cancel the account.

5. Entry Requirements
Highdome is available for users who wish to access multimedia with didactic material related to Cybersecurity through the address: https://www.highdome.io
During use, Highdome grants the User an exclusive and non-transferable license to use (execute, insert, modify, read, validate, export and update) the platform, under the established terms. You agree to complie with these Terms and Conditions at all times.

5.1. System Requirements and Compatibility
To use the Platform, you need to use a computer, mobile device, or other devices that meet the system and compatibility requirements of the Platform (which we may update from time to time). It is accessible to all devices from the moment you use a browser. Please check the requirements periodically, as we may change them or discontinue support of any hardware or software platforms at any time. To access the Platform, you need an internet connection on your compatible device. You are responsible for the costs associated with your internet service. Your use of the Platform may count towards the use of your data, depending on the terms of your agreement with the internet service provider.

5.2. Access restricted to registration
The read access to the Platform requires a registration. By registering on the platform (alternatively, you can use your Linkedin, Google or Apple account to register), you acquire the right to subscribe to the training offers made available by Highdome. Access to the Highdome will be available to the user online and will be available for as long as the registration remains active.

6. Use of the Platform in a Compliant manner
All information we provide as supporting material is for informational purposes only and is provided without any warranty, express or implied, and does not constitute legal advice. Make sure you get legal advice from an expert. You agree that you are solely and exclusively responsible for the information you provide based on all of this Content, including compliance with all laws applicable to your specific case.

7. Interactive Session Restrictions
When accessing or participating in the Interactive Sessions, it is prohibited:a. use the Interactive Sessions for any purpose other than the original one;b. provide access to the web, database, or forum, or perform cryptocurrency mining in (or through) the Interactive Sessions;c. exceed the limitations of use described on our Support Page;d. access or use the Interactive Sessions in any commercial production environment without express permission;e. take any action in the Interactive Sessions that results in disruption or interference with our Services or the stability of our infrastructure;f. use any data or information that is not simulated, anonymous, non-personal (or inactive), when accessing or using the Interactive Sessions.The above restrictions are in addition to those listed in other provisions of these Terms, including in the "Highdome Conditions", "Intellectual Property Rights" and "About User" sections.

8. Highdome Conditions
All right, title, and interest in and to the Highdome platform and Services, including the website, existing or future applications, databases, and content submitted or provided by our employees or partners through our Services (excluding, but not limited to, content provided by instructors and students) are and will remain the exclusive property of Highdome and its licensors. Our platform and services are protected by the intellectual property law and other laws of Portugal and the European Union. Nothing entitles you to the right to use the Highdome name or any of the trademarks, logos, domain names and other distinctive features of the Highdome brand. Any feedback, comments or suggestions you may provide about Highdome or the Services are entirely voluntary. Highdome shall be free to use any feedback, comment or suggestion it deems appropriate, without obligation to you.

When accessing or using the Highdome platform or Services, it is prohibited:
a. Access, modify or consult back-office areas of the platform (including content storage), Highdome computer systems or systems relating to Highdome services.b. Disable, interfere with, or attempt to bypass any security-related feature of the platform, or investigate, scan, or test the vulnerability of any of our systems.c. Replicate, modify, delete, create derivative works from, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to decipher any source code or content of the Platform or the Highdome Services.d. In any way, use the Services to send altered, misleading, or false source-identifying information (such as sending you email communications that falsely appear to be from Highdome); or interfere with or disrupt (or attempt to access) any user, host, or network, including, but not limited to, sending viruses, denial of service, spamming, or phishing email on the platforms or services, or in any way interfering with or creating an undue load of requests on the Service.e. Not to maintain ethical and respectful conduct by posting material deemed objectionable, offensive, illegal or otherwise harmful to the Platform;

9. Our license for you
Subject to these terms and our Policies, we grant you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license right to use our Services. The rights granted herein are for your personal, non-commercial use only, unless you obtain our written permission to the contrary. You also agree that you will create, access, and/or use only one user account, unless expressly permitted by Highdome, and will not share account access or account access information with any third party.

Your use of our Services does not give you ownership or any intellectual property rights in our Services or the content you access.

10. Does not provide academic credits
Highdome does not award academic credits for the completion of Content Offerings. Unless explicitly stated otherwise by an institution that grants academic credit, participation in or completion of the Content Offerings does not confer any academic credit. Even if credit is granted by one institution, there is no presumption that other institutions will accept that credit. You agree not to accept credit for the completion of a Content Offering unless you have obtained a course certificate or other equivalent documentation of your completion of the Content Offering. Highdome and all associated personnel are under no obligation that the Content Offerings be recognized by any educational institution or accrediting organization.

11. Communication
11.1. Text messages and phone callsYou agree that Highdome and those acting on our behalf, including our affiliates, may call and text (SMS) the phone number you provide to us for operational purposes only. Such calls and messages may include operational calls or messages about your use of the Service. Standard data and messaging charges may apply whenever you send calls or messages to our contact as specified by your carrier.

11.2. EmailWe may send you emails about our products and services, as well as those of third parties.

12. Waiting List
Students on the waiting list who wish to re-attend the training will have their place reserved, unless the course is filled with students attending it for the first time. If the training to be repeated is full, your place on the course will be withdrawn (you will be notified) and you can be rescheduled for the next available session.

13. Suspension and Termination of Highdome Services
In the event of the User's harmful or even intentional conduct, the User must comply with the Client's Obligations set out in point 8, mainly (but not only) with regard to maintaining ethical and respectful conduct, not publishing material considered objectionable, offensive, illegal or otherwise harmful to the Platform, the Highdome team also has the role of moderators in this area. In addition, any violations of the General Data Protection Regulation itself that call into question Highdome as Data Controller will result in the termination of the contract.

Highdome has the Right to deactivate, suspend or terminate your Subscription and access to the Platform and/or your Account immediately for any harmful reason, including if it is reasonably determined that you have provided incorrect account information, that you no longer meet the Eligibility Criteria, or that you are otherwise in breach of these terms. If this is the case, you should stop using the Platform. If Highdome disables your Subscription and/or access to all or part of the Platform, you agree not to create another or attempt to access the Platform without permission from Highdome staff.

14. Intellectual Property Rights
14.1. Proprietary Rights NoticeSubject to your compliance with these Terms (including any other applicable terms and conditions), Highdome grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable permission to use Highdome's digital solutions ("permission"). You can only use this permission to watch and interact with the educational content presented by the platform. You agree that all Highdome Services provided to you (including, without limitation) may be protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property and other proprietary rights and laws. Highdome may own the website or portions of the Highdome Services are made available through agreements with third parties. Materials included in the Highdome Services or made available through the Services are the exclusive property of Highdome and are protected by copyright laws. You agree to use the Highdome Services only for purposes that are permitted by these terms and any applicable local, state, provincial, national or other law, rule or regulation.

14.2. Restrictions on the use of the PlatformNotwithstanding any other restrictions, limitations, and prohibitions that Highdome imposes (in these Terms or any other binding document or guidance), you agree not to (a) copy, modify, reproduce, translate, localize, port, or otherwise create derivatives of any portion of the Highdome Services; (b) Retro-engineer, disassemble, decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or structure, sequence, and organization of all or any part of the Highdome Services; (c) Rent, resell, distribute, use the Highdome Services for other commercial purposes not contemplated or exploit the Highdome Services in any unauthorized manner; (d) Remove or alter any proprietary notices on Highdome's services; (e) use data mining, robots, viruses, worms, programming errors or other data gathering and extraction tools from the Platform or frame a part thereof or attempt to tamper with, hack, corrupt or impair the administration and/or security of the Platform; (f) circumvent, disable or otherwise tamper with any protective security technology of any Content, system resources, accounts or any other part of the Platform or attempt or provide support to another person to do so. It is forbidden to use or distribute tools designed to compromise security (e.g. password guessers, hacking or network scanning tools); or (g) engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Highdome Services.

14.3. Content OwnershipThe Highdome team undertakes to maintain confidentiality and not to disclose, by any means, the data entered by users, during the use of the System, to which it may have access, for example in the context of a technical assistance operation.

14.4. Your content and dataHighdome claims that there are no intellectual property rights in the data and materials that you provide and input when using the Highdome Services.

"Data" means any data and content that you upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Highdome Services, including files that you upload, comments you make on files, profile information and anything else that you input or upload to the Highdome Service. Highdome will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that all facilities used to store and process your Data meet a high standard of security. For more information about our current practices and policies regarding data privacy, security and confidentiality, please see the privacy policy .

In order for us to provide services to you, Highdome requires you to grant us certain rights in relation to your Data. For example, Highdome needs to be able to transmit, store and copy your Data in order to display it to you and other users (from the same account and other than the main user), to index it so that you can search, to make backups to prevent data loss, etc. Your acceptance of these Terms gives Highdome permission to do so and grants Highdome any rights necessary to provide the service to you, solely for the purpose of providing the service (and for no other purpose). This permission permitting Highdome ISM to use third-party service providers (e.g., Microsoft Azure) in the operation and administration of the Service and the rights granted to Highdome are extended to these third parties to the extent necessary for the Service to be provided. Depending on the service, this may involve moving your data across jurisdictional lines, or across country borders. Highdome will not share, disclose, sell, lease, modify, delete or distribute any Data provided by you in any way.

15. About User
15.1. User responsible for ensuring the protection of information assetsa. You are responsible for protecting your hardware, software, data, and any other relevant material from viruses, malware, and other Internet security risks.b. You must not knowingly introduce viruses or other malicious software, or any other material that is malicious or technologically harmful, on or through our Platform.c. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to any part of our Platform, the server on which our Platform is stored or any other server, computer or database connected to our Platform.d. You must not attack our Platform via a denial-of-service attack, a distributed denial-of-service attack, or any other means. Any and all such violations will be reported to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will fully cooperate with those authorities by disclosing to them the identity of the person responsible.e. Your right to use our Platform will cease immediately in the event of a breach.

15.2. User content in generalCertain features of the Service may allow users to submit, upload, post, broadcast, or transmit ("Post") content to the Service, including messages, comments, photographs, video, or audio (including sound or voice recordings and music recordings embedded in the video or audio), images, folders, data, text, and any other works of authorship or other works ("User Content"). You retain any copyright and other proprietary rights you may have in the User Content you post to the Service, subject to the licenses granted in these Terms.

15.3. Specific rules for photos and imagesBy posting a photo or image on the Service, you warrant that you have the right to do so and that you do not violate any proprietary or other rights of any third party, including copyright or other laws, such as those relating to rights of publicity, privacy rights, moral rights, and other rights. You must not post User Content if you do not own or are not fully authorized to grant rights to all elements of such User Content, including all background music and underlying musical, literary, and artistic works embodied in any sound recording or video content. Highdome disclaims any and all liability in relation to User Content. You are solely responsible for your Content and the consequences resulting from non-compliance with it. By providing User Content through the Service, you represent, represent and warrant that:a. you are the creator and owner of the Content posted on, or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to authorize Highdome and users of the Service to use and distribute your User Content as necessary to exercise the licenses granted by you contemplated by Highdome, the Service and these Terms;b. the User Content and its usefulness, as contemplated in these Terms, do not (i) infringe, violate, misappropriate or violate any right of any third party, including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, right of privacy, right of publicity or any other intellectual property, contract or proprietary right; (ii) libel, defame, libel, or invade the right of privacy, publicity, or other proprietary rights of any other person; or (iii) cause Highdome to violate any law or regulation, or require us to obtain other licenses or pay royalties, fees, compensation or other amounts or provide any attribution to any third party;c. Content shared by you may not be considered by a reasonable person to be objectionable, profane, indecent, pornographic, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, hateful or otherwise inappropriate.

15.4. Rights to Published ContentYou must not post Content if you do not own or are not fully authorized to grant rights to all elements of that Content. Highdome disclaims any and all liability in relation to the Content posted by you.

15.5. Right of UsufructSubject to your compliance with these Terms (including any other applicable terms and conditions), Highdome grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable permission to use the platform ("permission"). You may only use this permission to access and interact with the material made available.

Your use of Highdome's services and features above must comply with these terms and in compliance with all applicable local and national laws, rules and regulations. This permission will remain in effect until terminated by either you or Highdome.

Without limiting any other restrictions, limitations and prohibitions that Highdome imposes (in these Terms or elsewhere), you agree not to:a. copy, modify, reproduce, translate, localize, port or otherwise create derivatives of any part of the Highdome Services;b. Retroengineer, disassemble, decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or structure, sequence, and organization of all or any part of the Highdome Services;c. Rent, lease, resell, distribute, use the Highdome Services for other commercial purposes not contemplated or exploit the Highdome Services in any unauthorized manner;d. Remove or alter any proprietary notices on the Highdome services; ore. engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Highdome Services.You agree that all Highdome Services provided to you (including, without limitation) may be protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property and other proprietary rights and laws. Highdome may own the website, or portions of Highdome may be made available to Highdome through agreements with third parties. Materials included in the Services or made available through the Services are the exclusive property of Highdome and are protected by intellectual property laws. You agree to use the Highdome Services only for purposes that are permitted by these terms and any applicable local, state, provincial, national or other law, rule or regulation.

15.6. Your content and dataHighdome believes that there are no intellectual property rights in the data and materials that you provide and input when using Highdome.

"Data" means any data and content that you upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Highdome Services, including files that you upload, comments you make on files, profile information and any other information that you enter or upload to the Highdome Service. Highdome will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that all facilities used to store and process your Data meet a high standard of security. For more information about our current practices and policies regarding data privacy, security and confidentiality, please see the privacy policy.In order for us to provide the service to you, Highdome requires you to grant us certain rights in relation to your Data. For example, Highdome needs to be able to transmit, store and copy your Data. Your acceptance of these Terms gives Highdome permission to do so, and grants Highdome any rights necessary to provide the service, solely for the purpose of providing the service (and for no other purpose). This permission allows Highdome to use third-party service providers (e.g., LearnWorlds) in the operation and administration of the Service.The rights granted to Highdome are extended to these third parties to the extent necessary for the Service to be provided. Depending on the service, this may involve moving your data across jurisdictional lines, or across country borders. Highdome will not share, disclose, sell, lease, modify, delete or distribute any Data provided by you in any way.

16. Responsibility
16.1. Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability; CompensationAll information we provide as supporting material is for informational purposes only and is provided without any warranty, express or implied, and does not constitute legal and/or scientific advice. Make sure you get your own legal advice. You agree that you are solely and exclusively responsible for the information you provide based on all of this Content, including compliance with all laws applicable to your specific case.

Neither any opinion, advice or statement by Highdome or its affiliates, licensors, suppliers, agents or visitors, whether made on the Highdome Services or otherwise, nor the results of any operation of the Highdome Services by you constitute representations or warranties give rise to any reliance on particular advice. Highdome assumes no responsibility or risk for your use of the Services and the internet. Any and all services provided by Highdome to your service are provided on the basis of the "Has it is" principle, without warranty of any kind.

Highdome disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, non-infringement, and all warranties that may arise out of course of dealing, course of performance, or usage of trade. Highdome and our affiliates, licensors, suppliers, and agents do not warrant that your use of the Services will be uninterrupted, error-free, or secure, that defects will be corrected, or that the Highdome Services, the servers on which the Highdome Services are hosted, or the Highdome materials, are free of viruses or other harmful components. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Highdome disclaims any and all liability for any damage or other impact to your equipment, hardware, software, data, or other information or materials, whether or not caused by or related to (directly or indirectly) your use of the Highdome Services, including but not limited to claims related to defects, Faulty or inoperable service.

16.2. Disclaimer of any incorrect advice or information (non-disclaimer of expert advice)No part of the Platform or any accompanying documentation (whether provided in electronic form or otherwise) constitutes advice on which reliance should be made and is provided for general information purposes only. Professional or specialist advice should always be sought before taking any action relating to any aspect of our services.

16.3. Disclaimer if it fails to fulfill the intended purposeSubject to your legal rights, to the extent permitted by law, we make no representations, warranties or warranties that our Platform will meet your requirements, that it will be fit for a particular purpose, that it will not infringe the rights of third parties, that it will be compatible with all software and hardware, that it will be secure or that it will produce specific results.

16.4. Limitation of LiabilityIn no event shall Highdome or any of Highdome's affiliates, suppliers or licensing agents, nor Highdome or its directors, officers, employees, consultants, agents or other representatives ("Indemnified Parties"), be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages or damages for loss of profits, revenues, business, savings, data, use or cost of substitute procurement, incurred by you or any third party, whether in an action in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, even if Highdome has been advised of the possibility of such damages or if such damages are foreseeable. Your only remedy for dissatisfaction with Highdome Services is to stop using it. The sole and exclusive maximum liability of all collectively indemnified parties for all damages, losses, and causes of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, shall be the total amount paid by you to use our Highdome Services. Your use of the Highdome Services is entirely at your own risk. You acknowledge that the limitations of liability in these Terms and the attribution of risks herein are between you and Highdome, without which Highdome would not have provided the service.

In certain cases, applicable law may not allow the exclusion and limitation of the above warranties, in particular with respect to (a) liability for damages that you or any third party may suffer; (b) In the event of intent or misconduct; (c) Liability for death, moral, personal and health damages. Accordingly, the above exclusions and limitations may not apply.

16.5. CompensationTo the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold Highdome harmless from and against any reasonably foreseeable direct losses, damages, and reasonable expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) suffered or incurred by Highdome arising out of or relating to: (1) your violation of any of these Terms; (2) any data you provide and enter when using the Highdome Services; (3) any activity you engage in or through the Highdome Services; and (4) your violation of any law or the rights of any third party.

17. Links to Third-Party Websites
When using our Services, you will find links to other websites that we do not own or control and are made available to you to enrich your experience and to be able to offer you more capabilities. Please be careful and aware that we are not responsible for the content or any other aspect of third-party websites, including the information collected about you, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Highdome is not responsible for any third party's use of your exported information. It is recommended that the user read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of the third parties, however, Highdome has guarantees for the Compliance of these treatments.

18. Privacy
When you use the Highdome Services, you are entrusting us with your Data. You acknowledge and agree that Highdome processes your Data as described in Highdome's Privacy Policy and for no other purpose.As stated above in these Terms and Conditions, Highdome uses third-party hosting partners to provide the necessary storage tools, software applications, and service management tools. A list of all sub-processors that process personal data on behalf of Highdome can be found in Highdome's Privacy Policy.

19. General
19.1. Report to the authoritiesAny and all violations will be reported to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will fully cooperate with them, disclosing identity if necessary. The user's right to use our Platform will cease immediately in the event of a breach and, if applicable, the account, content will be suspended and/or deleted.

19.2. Regulatory Law, Mandatory ArbitrationThese Terms are governed by the laws of Portugal. All disputes and disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms, including questions relating to their interpretation, enforcement, validity and/or termination, shall be finally resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris ("Rules") by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with the Rules.The seat of arbitration shall be in Lisbon, Portugal. The Portuguese law of procedural law applies whenever the Rules are silent. The language of arbitration will be the Portuguese.

19.3. ChangesHighdome may change these terms at any time for a variety of reasons, such as to reflect changes in applicable law or updates to the Services, and to account for new features. The most current version will always be published on the Highdome website. If such a change is significant, as determined (in Highdome's sole discretion), Highdome will notify you by email.
Notice of changes may also be posted when you log in to your account. Unless otherwise specified by Highdome, changes will be effective no later than the day they are (publicly) posted. If you do not agree to any changes made to the terms of a Highdome Service, you should cease using that Highdome Service, because (unless otherwise stated by law) continuing to use the Highdome Services indicates that the agreement is bound by the updated Terms and Conditions.

19.4. Entire AgreementOther than as stated in this section or as explicitly agreed in writing between you and Highdome, these terms constitute all of the terms and conditions agreed between you and Highdome and supersede any prior agreements regarding the subject matter of these Terms, written or oral.As noted above, other terms and conditions governing your use of the Highdome Services are incorporated herein by reference, including Highdome's Privacy Policy.

19.5. Contact UsIf you have any questions about these terms or if you would like to discuss the Highdome Services and Terms contained herein, please contact us using the contact details on our page, or by highdome@highdome.io

19.6. Updating these termsThese Terms constitute all the terms and conditions agreed between you and Highdome as stated above, other documents governing your use of the Highdome Services are incorporated herein by reference, including Highdome's Privacy Policy .